A TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS AT SMALL BIRDS SINGING screened at Edinburgh in 2009, and I was looking forward to visiting Edinburgh again this year with HINTERLAND, screening in the Nokia Shorts Weekender programme, Animated Interations. http://www.edfilmfest.org.uk/This year there were no prizes… we were there to see films, meet people and hopefully make a few interesting contacts.  The Festivalhouse@Teviot was the EIFF 2011 hub hosting a wide range of events, debates, installations, club nights and screenings. I enjoyed the  Nokia Shorts Animation screenings, Bafta and Shooting People Short Sighted was informative http://shootingpeople.org/shortsighted/, and I was pleased to watch Chris Shepherd’s films again at his master class ‘Making the leap from short film to features’ http://www.chrisshepherdfilms.com/ Another interesting event was Aardman and Wieden + Kennedy: Shooting world record for smallest stop-motion animation.

And their new attempt to make the largest stop-motion animation which is a work in progress.  I also dipped in and out of an informative two day conference on Animated Documentaries http://www.animatedrealities.co.uk/ which was  a great opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.

Posted in Festivals